Should You Take Your Dog With Your On Vacation?
ShareIf you're like many happy pet owners, you want to share as many moments of your life as possible with your beloved furry friend. However, many dog owners go a little overboard when it comes to traveling with their pets, particularly when it comes to vacations, but there are many cases where leaving your canine companion in a good boarding facility is a better option than taking it with you when you travel. Following are five questions you should ask yourself before you decide to include your dog in your vacation plans.
How Will You Be Spending Your Time?
If your upcoming vacation entails relaxing by a lake or river while staying in a tent or an RV at a campground, your dog will probably fit right in with your activity plans. However, if you're going to be visiting an urban environment for the purpose of enjoying dining, nightlife, or shopping options, your furry friend may end up spending most of its time alone. Also, keep in mind that many hotels that advertise that they're pet-friendly have strict policies against leaving your pet unattended in the room. You may find yourself having to forgo your plans to enjoy what the city has to offer -- even there are usually doggy-day care options available in most cities, these are often only open during the day.
Will You Need to Rent a Car at Your Vacation Destination?
If you're flying to a vacation spot and planning on renting a car after you arrive, you should know that many car rental companies have strict policies against pets. It would certainly put a damper on your vacation to arrive at your destination only to discover that you aren't able to rent a car.
Will You Be Leaving Your Dog in Your Car?
Cross country road trips seem like the ideal adventure to share with your faithful canine companion. However, there will be many time when you'll have to leave your furry friend in the car alone, and this can be dangerous. Even with the windows cracked, interior temperatures can heat up quickly in parked vehicles. Leaving your dog in the car during cold weather can be harmful as well. Even stopping to eat in a restaurant or stock up at a store can pose problems.
Leaving your dog in the hand of a professional dog boarding facility, like Preppy Pet West Houston, may be a better option than taking it with you on vacation.